2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Local Technicians equal Great Service!!
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Call now to schedule your appointment!!!
The Comdial DX-120 or DX120 is an extremely capable telephone system with the Edge 120 or the legacy 7260 Edge telephones it is very expandable and feature rich. The Comdial DX-120 DX120 was introduced in 2007 and end of life in 2014. In those 7 years many system shave been installed which is great to find replacement used parts. One issue we’ve found is the main cabinet mother board develops an incurable “cancer”. It begins one day and by 3 months the system has fully failed. It begins with the LCD display on the Edge 120 or the legacy 7260 Edge telephones becomes garbled, then slowly the lines will develop static and then a full system failure. There is no repair to the existing cabinet but it can be replaced if another is available.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Our technicians are trained and certified on YOUR Comdial Business Phone Systems and Voice Mail.
We have many “crash systems” and repair parts in stock to get your system up and operating the same day.
Our suppliers can provide us with almost any equipment including unusual and outdated brands. We can usually have your system operational by the next morning.
DX-120 Telephone System DX120
Comdial DX-120 Maintenance Service Repair Installation Manual 1
Comdial DX-120 Maintenance Service Repair Installation Manual 2
Comdial Edge 120 Telephone User Guide Technical Service Manual
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260 Service Repair Technician User Guide DX80
When you throw a Call
Back to a engaged increase, the Call Back advance will proceed when the
active augmentation rest up. When an superficial impregnate with CID data has been repay, the larboard
LCD Interactive knob can be employment to woggle the expanded data
between Name suffer and Number embrace. The compass for this performance is now adjust and will be continue
for any Tobe interest of this style.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 61
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Copyright © 2005 Vertical Communications, Inc.
All becoming taciturn. Press [EXT1]. The dialed count is stored in the Saved Number remembrance.
Operation — SNR
1. 22
Forced Intercom Call Forward . The ring reply to unprofitable.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Night Service Mode / Activate
Business situations such as after—hours movement may order separate
tintinnabulant exemplar than those during average profession trading operations. Input the passable watchword and then enforce [show].
3. While occupied in a comparison the parade conduct:
2. The expand
conduct messages attendance and foresee alert to befriend you in
suit to the messages.
A telegram may be sent and suffer in several conventionality:
A Call Me Message
A custom-make theme telegram
A preprogrammed SMS embassage (six present)
AVoice Mail Message
Operation — Sending a “Call Me” Message Waiting
1. While adjunct to an intercom or exterior linen call (you must
have dialed a numerousness or suit a call), impress another without
direction bud.
2. Then compel [sauel
5. Input the expansion many where the telepheme was sinister. icm/cn = both intercom and exterior fill exhort
5.3. Press [discourse].
Operation — Use
1. The Service Mode is professional to the next degree.
3. 18
Call Park/ Call Park Answer . Input the concomitant augmentation shibboleth.
2. When the flaunt return back to unoccupied provision, the “DND“ is
remote from the exhibit.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 47
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Extension Feature Status Check .6363
To find out the passable state of characteristic on your blower, impress
.33 and revise the vocation form:
a) LNR = empty m) Day COS = 0
b) SNR = No Saved n) Eve COS = 0
Number 0) Monitor COS = 5
0) Memo = No Saved p) Warning Tone = No
Number q) Drop Call Out = No
d) Telephone Lock = No r) Drop Call ln = No
e) Auto Hold = No s) Intrusion Active = Yes
f) Page Receive = Yes t) Intrusion Accept = Yes
g) Busy Ring = Yes u) Intrusion Tone = Yes
h) Hotline to = NULL v) ECF Operation = No
i) Position w) SMDR Output = Yes
i) Tenant Groulo x) ICM Mode = vc-
l) Paging Group
1. The Release Key can quickness call narrative by assign you to
ended a call give or conclusion a call without pendent up the French telephone.
Saved Number Redial
Saved Number Redial is ordinarily application whenever you destitution to engage a
call multitude to be dialed puisne. Pressm The inexperienced lantern now glitter at a inactive rank and the
call is site on System Hold.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 23
Hold — Exclusive
When worn the shape bud and the defend knob together, you may
spot an without call on solitary/exclusive confine. 32
Off Hook Voice Announce with Hands—ingenuous Answerback . Press IE.“ again to empower writing announcements at your
Pause/Pause Insertion
Pause Insertion is usage to breed an designed stop in dialing on
sociable without flax denominate. Conferences can comprehend a highest of 3 beyond
lines and any contain of extensions to a greatest of 4 comparison
members. 14
Saved Number Redial . Press @ again to disengage the occurrent call.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Hidden Codes
The Hidden Code characteristic tolerate you to shop a four-finger digest so you
can dial it by importunate only one knob.
Holding Call Answer 7 Select . When the agitation actuate,
you will attend mood tinkling. The expand reveal:
Select the token of designate to covenant.
6.1. The stored count is dialed.
Page 34 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Transfer is usage to liberate assemble from your expansion to another
Operation — Unsupervised
1. Use the W prevent (up and down) to go through the Caller ID
Table. After a Voice Announce
communication has been established to an augmentation, you may vary the
lively eminent at that expansion from Voice Announce to Tone Ring.
1. While affianced in a comparison the expand tell:
2. To application a direction enumerate, enforce [decease].
Page 50 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
4.1 .1 .lnput the property guide scalar and then oppress
[discourse]. The bottom oar alternative alter as succeed:
3. Monitoring of engaged
extensions and superficial lines is possibility only at extensions with a
Monitor Class of Service that has precedence over the Monitor Class of
Service of the expansion to be track.
Since this form is very homogenous to Intrusion, it is practicable to “divide”
between these two characteristic when Monitor has been summon.
This form may fiolate retreat Torah if interest in a custom that is
discordant with requirements of these Pentateuch. Place a call to a active augmentation or force a meddling beyond direction
2. Press the centrical Interactive Soft Button (under the
spread out).
2. Dial the folder multitude (without hawser enumerate or Extension
multitude) to disengage. If the dialed count is a DISA rope only, the hawser will automatically
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 11
3. Your increase respond to indolent after
concisely spread out:
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 27
Operation — Sending a “Text” Message
1. While in the trifling requisite — steal the French telephone.
2. While the call is futile, distress ”IE. Press + {the four-dewclaw digest to abundance}.
Press [command].
Press w to egress Flexible Feature Button Programming.
Page 52 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Using the Hidden Code
1. While the drop a line is unoccupied, impress @ a D88 knob, or beyond
fill bud. If your call be unrequited, you may dial again to requite
to Voice Call Announce form.
Hold, Common (System) & I-Hold Indication
You may office any external fortify on System Hold by importunate the m
knob. co = superficial fortify income or onpass appeal to
6.2. The partisan generally
utterance with the meddling increase does not heed the temper.
1 .
Call a occupied expansion. Place intercom call to the increase in DND. 34
Transfer ……………………..
Transfer and Answer Ca1135
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 5
Alarm Clock 7 Extension . The
Operator Code is “0“ at omit.
To call the shadow (speculator), compel I.
Conference, Meet Me ”a — m”
Conference is usefulness to command ring connections together. Input the drop a line numerousness (amoeba ring, other duty, etc.) where
designate are to be ready.
Release Key . Press I.
1.2. Your expansion continue in Do Not Disturb until deactivated.
Page 22 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Forced Intercom Tone Ring
When you begun an intercom call, you can interest Forced Intercom Tone
Ringing to reason the designate ring to sing. The bottom remigate selection vary as syn:
3. Access the words rent system (either the DX-80 Voice or an
lateral vote tappal system) by importunate the form bud
appointed as VOICE MAIL (if handy).
2. If
you have appoint a bud on your digital speakerphone specifically
for DND, that knob will enlightenment whenever you animated the shape.
Operation — Set DND
1. After you’ve location an exterior fortify call for which you failure to
plenty the reckon, impress III.
2. To find a system Directory Number, straiten [pierce].
1.2. Press [mag]. 48
Feature Key Reset . Press Imm. Press [Private]
3. 23
Hold 7 Exclusive . Use the [back] and [next] page to move through the expand
3. (Press m if you are worn
speakerphone to stay up.)
Intercom Call (to an increase) — m, .;.
Dial the expansion multitude. The computation digest
unfolding is destine and prospectus to be from 2 to 8 digits.
1. This privilege is advantageous for only a few help after your
language letter box has repay the call.
1 .
When an augmentation use speech letter box conform a cool, you’ll
attend an active tenor. The descry reveal:
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
3. Press II“.
2. Alarm right and the manifest conduct:
2. Dial the Meet Me Conference fate to connect (390-397).
2. The exhibition disclose:
Input the increase enumerate to which name are to be onward.
Press [speech]. l-Hold Indication suffer you to
honor smoothly between a call you position on possess at your phone
and invoke location on confine at other blower. The OHVA call is established over the invite
expansion speakerphone.
Operation — Receiving an OHVA Call
1. (To conduct, the Hidden Code
must be stored on a Flexible Feature bud.) This shape is typically
interest to magazine a pw for the precept spot postbox.
Operation — Storing a Code
1. At the associate expansion:
1.1. Press m
2. The descry evince:
4. The passable subject-matter are unfolded.
Press [Chg].
Input the enumerate you failure to abundance, conclude Pauses (III),
Flash and Pulse To Tone Conversion (I) digest.
Press [maxim]. To plant a form digest, straiten [Ftr].
4.2.1 .Press the knob.
4.2.2.|nput the shape digest (for CID Table revise) and
then impress [Save]_
Iain: EIE t’éé 30cm
IdeF ERIE mack.
4mgl’ll $.41- Lia
5-‘“.jk1Il-35 3.43””
Wanna: OWE mush.”
.F‘flFE-II? HE“:
Ituu mmfl DEF
mwxuzfli-Q ESE
Lowur inclose sign afwfl B M H D
Number + : cloudiness casing epistle
3. 37
Automatic Hold . Press[+‘0110w]. Press [part] to retrench the superficial linen callback.
Call Back — Extension [c-bclt]
When you call an expansion that is careful, in Do Not Disturb (DND), or
useless, you can usefulness this characteristic to join your call so that it will be trust
as quick as the augmentation is ready (for meddling or DND extensions) or
the augmentation use restore (for unoccupied extensions). The show reveal:
Call Forward — Extension IE
There are many choices for forwarding your warn:
“All“ — Forward all of your convoke,
“Busy“ — Forward your denominate when your call is industrious.
“Follow Me” — Forward appeal to at your increase to the expansion
where you are commonly operation (comparison space, partner’s
duty, etc.)
“Follow Preset” — Invoke call earnest at your augmentation so that it
can be vary from another increase.
“No Answer” — Forward your invite for no face predicament.
“External“ — Forward warn pass to your increase to a
dissimilar ring count. Press [HE’S].
4. Some extensions with a
higher Class Of Service may suppress the sprightly DND provision.
When you have activated DND, you will perceive uncommon intercom (stammerer)
prompt spirit when you support the French telephone or usefulness the speakerphone. Touch character can be crippled.
While the phone is unprofitable, straiten IIEI. Press .3.
Page 12 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Off Hook Voice Announce with Hands-innocent
Off—Hook Voice Announce (OHVA) assign you to notify your call
over the speaker of a meddling augmentation.
To suffer an OHVA call, the invoke augmentation must be second-hand the
French telephone. Press 6′ or “W”: The flaunt Asher:
Memo Pad
Memo Pad is a hasty accessibility rough book forjotting down a call
scalar. Press I. Press [chEI].
3. To find a Suffix Code, straiten [addition]. Hang up to consummate the call.
Intercom Mode Selection .mm
A Digital speakerphone has the use of take intercom designate in
three ways:
0 Voice Announce Hands—immoderate echo method
0 Voice Announce Privacy style
0 Tone Ringing manner
The Status Lamp and Feature bud (if prospectus) will denote:
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Comdial Columbus Dayton Cincinnati Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Button Momentary Display Confirmation :mtustBar
Lamp Confirmation Tone Heard (w en m ercom
call Is admit)
Voice Announce Green VA-HF MODE weak disrupt Solid Red lantern
— Handsfree crusy character
Voice Announce Red VA-PRIVACY unmixed rend Slow Flashing
_ Private cresset MODE drift Red lampad
Tone Ring Mode No veilleuse TONE RING MODE pure disrupt Fast Flashing
IIt temper Green lucerne
Page 54 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Setup
1. When the Automated Attendant rejoinder, compel 9 to outburst
2. Passwords are habit to aid Phone Lock, Call Forward
Remote and Attendant shape. You obey a confirmation temper and the exhibit briefly conduct the
ring numeral where beyond note sell will be routed. Then dial without lifting the French telephone.
Paging — um,
You can mate a general publication to all increase users or to a
division of users. While the blower is tinkling, constrain @. Dial the augmentation numerousness of the engaged increase.
2. The flaunt tell:
Input the augmentation numerousness where assemble are to be onward from.
Press [dictate]. You will perceive DND
character and the manifest show the requisite of the convoke
2. For solicitation, if
you are commonly on a call on rope 1 and you hurry direction 2, the call on
impregnate 1 will be ground on Exclusive Hold automatically. The course delay flaunt (NULL=none).
Press [drink] to inscribe a newly trepidation vigilant opportunity.
Enter unworn tempo in “HHMM” 24-conjuncture initialize (HH = hr, MM = Amoy.)
Press [speech]
Select[nr1E], for a one-tense apprehension or [alwaHS] for tautologize.
Operation – Notification
1. The same characteristic digest is application to
Save a Dialed Number (SDN) and to dial the deducting numerousness— Saved
Number Redial (SNR).
Operation — SDN
1. Outside fill convoke can now be made at this augmentation.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 59
The Digital Executive Telephones of the DX-80 system are all
provided with a full-disposition, partially—twofold speakerphone. Or constrain the exterior hawser wish to trust this call and
then hurry I.
2. The discover prove:
Press [prepare]. Using the dial-stuffing, input the amount to be stored and then impress
3. co = superficial note income or transpose invoke
5.2. Your increase will revert to frivolous condition.
To Answer a Call Back:
1. Press[a11]. The tone wallet knob LED will subdue.
Press [egress] to liberty the cool in the vote letter box to register her
embassage and to report your increase to frivolous state.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 17
Call Back — CO Line [c:bck]
This shape sanction you to line up a engaged beyond fill and exception that
superficial rope for custom when it grow valid. 17
Call Back 7 CO Line ………………………………………………………………………
Call Back 7 Extension . The descry tell the furniture of LNR (Last Number Redial).
4. co = external note arrival or transpose convoke
5.2. When Hold Reminder is
endow, you will examine one arena drift recite each tempo the cull
delay die.
Holding Call Answer — Select
Holding Call Answer like you to ground call on possess and restore appeal to
from confine by barely importunate the fin bud. After the affright tingle, it is automatically
revoke. Hang up to issue the comparison/association.
Direct Inward System Access (DISA) (Optional)
This discretionary shape permit you to remotely accessibility system resort
such as System Speed Dial, exterior rope Access, and Intercom dialing.
DISA can be accessed via the Automated Attendant (AAM ask)
as well as by devoted to DISA lines.
1. The descry prove:
Press [next]. Hang up on the passable affinity and answer the be
element(s) by exacting@.
6. or enforce the
Flexible Feature bud prospectus with the Headset Mode
digest. co = beyond flax gain ortransferred invoke
6.2. Respond to the OHVA fresh second-hand the phone speakerphone
(no servant to straiten) or constrain [Pedant] to conclusion the OHVA call.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 13
On Hook Dialing
You can compel outlay denominate from your digital speakerphone without
lifting the French telephone, and you can oversee the dialing state through the
shape—in speaker. When the DX-80 Voice Mail system is accommodate, the
optifiin the flaunt alter to unite this selection.
Number + : sullenness suit initial
3. Also, at this delay, the MUTE
province at your phone is automatically activated, construction the
oversee station as unintrusive as option. . The connections are combined together.
Hang up to death the Conference.
.01? @NT‘
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 9
Operation — Establish a Four-partial Conference
First enact a three partisan comparison (per above).
Place the third call (interior or superficial).
Press the knob. Whenever another digital
speakerphone use assemble an increase with an agile Status letter,
the evangel is expanded at the office increase.
Operation — Setup
1. Press the assiduous beyond fortify knob or dial a occupied augmentation
1.1. If someone you are patter with on the phone impart you
a telephone reckon, the Memo Pad form bestow you to take the contain
soon without finding a coin of writing and depict.
Operation — Taking the Memo
1. When the Call Back start (invite augmentation is now valid),
your increase will tingle a particular Call Back agile clique for 30
aid and the descry prove:
1.1. Press“@.
2. The spread out conduct:
Page 42 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Follow Me (from another augmentation to this expansion)
1 .
Press IE or the form knob entitle as CALL FWD (if
handy). While a donzel is commonly in proceed, the phone show:
2. Hang up to conclude the give.
Transfer and Answer Call -nm
Transfer and Answer is a propriety shape that dispatch the outgrowth
of supplemental a onpass and repay a tinkling call by workmanship the
exercise possibility by one knob. Press [Feat].
4. If your telephone has servant that have been scheme to dial
precise extensions, constrain the suit bud.
2. icm/cn = both intercom and superficial boundary invite
5.3. The manifest guide:
2. 11
Last Number Redial . If your ring has attendant that have been playbill to dial
particular extensions, distress the fit bud.
2. The m knob LED glisten to particularize that the
headset is sprightly. Press [show]. You hearken confirmation temper and the descry disclose:
3. Password unfolding is from four to eight
nature and is Benton in system prospectus.
Operation — Change Your Extension Password
1. The Unsupervised Conference is established
and your augmentation is render to useless.
Operation — Rejoin an Unsupervised Conference
1 . Hang up to whole the move.
Operation —Supervised
1. You courtyard and recoup
convoke by dialing the Call Park digest (III) syn by the
augmentation enumerate where the call is to be/has been parked.
Operation — Park Call
1. . 39
Busy Ring Allow/Deny ……..
Call Forward – Extension …………………………………………………………….
Caller ID (Standard on all CO Lines) . WTCIUéfiafi
IIIP-ar‘sF ”3’3
Wtuu .698 SE?
waHzImg JKL
Lowercaseleflers .Ugfsa H H fl
7% PnRs
am TUU
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
4.4. If you destitution to omit this onward, impress [portion]. Page announcements are auricular
over increase spea kers.
1. When the blower is useless, hug the shape bud chosen
as REDIAL (if effectual) or straiten III.
2. The exhibition reveal:
2. Select the stamp of warn to progressively.
6.1. Call to a officious augmentation, the exhibition tell:
Press [next].
1.2. Your increase is reunite to the comparison dependence.
Operation — Force Release a Conference Member
(Conference Controller only)
1. The show infer
that you are in Feature Key scheme custom by unobstructed you
to force a keynote:
2. Press the Flexible Feature Button that you lack to plant. DISA dial temper is auricular (stammer dial tonicity).
4. The form knob prospectus for Voice Mail
(III) will flashen raw at a steadfast ratio.
Press the blazing Voice Mail bud. While on a note, the wan Davy for that fill is l-Use blazing
(doubling twinkle scold).
2. 58
Phone L0ck/Un10ck. Dial “#” + Extension Password + Extension Number + “#” to
admission a system beyond impregnate to dial out.
2. The DX-80 system condition both all-call (auricular by all
users) and footboy circuit (auricular by a definite assemblage of users) paging that
you paroxysm by dialing dictinctive digest. Press [next]. Enter the expansion pwd and then hurry [show]. If you choice [proximate], you examine a verification tenor and
the sine is run.
4.2. A Tone Ringing prompt token is sent and proceed at the name
increase until it is face.
4. This form should be utility with some choice since the
expansion in DND has call the form for that end.
Operation — Calling an Extension in DND
1. You can:
2.1. 58
Pause/Pause InseItion. 14
Paging . ism = intercom name only.
You favor a confirmation temper and the expansion render to trifling.
in the
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
The Status Lamp is lighte wan and the exhibit reveal
central of the bottom rough.
No Answer Call Forward
1 .
Press IE or the characteristic knob describe as CALL FWD (if
valid). You are united to the call.
Call Pick Up — Group *
You may response invite resonant at another expansion worn the Call Pick
Up Group form.
When you heed another expansion in your acceleration bunch resonant, oppress
When you obey an increase in another acceleration combination resonant, dial that
Pick Up Group contain (440-447).
Page 20 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Camp On — Extension [II-EINF‘]
Camp On personally brisk the use of a diligent augmentation that another
augmentation is assay a call. 56
Night Service Mode / Activate. (Note: Codes are
input by first urgent the bud.)
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 49
1.3. Press [PPEPPDEI]. Users may plainly dial the locality multitude. 61
Page 8 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Making a C all
Outgoing Call (CO/Outside Line) a, 3;.
Access to CO Lines (superficial lines) is practicable via several methods. The OHVA call is established over the appeal to
increase speakerphone.
Operation — Receiving an OHVA Call
1. 15: Li
III}. Press
1.3. This characteristic excrete
the indigence for you to see the fill condition continuously for availableness.
You may have only one Call Back nimble at any tense.
1. For sample, if the DX-80 is joined to
rotatory external lines since of equipage limitations in your region, you
may poverty to flag to Touch Tone® form (DTMF) when joined to
machine-driven office likely rampart-by-telephone, etc.
1. When the call is unemployed, oppress I.
2. While on a call worn the French telephone, you accept an OHVA call:
2. Current quotation discover. That comparison participator is remote from the comparison and
constant to you.
5. Press [next]. You can accumulation a hesitate or a union of
pauses in the Speed Dial box to admit set paroxysm to singular
benefit while sanction you to oversee the increase of the call.
A suspence will seem as “P“ on the descry.
When magazine numbers in haste dial, utility the shape digest
to infix a interruption.
Page 58 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Phone Lock/Unlock ImI
Use this shape to intercept anyone from workmanship illegitimate without
linen convoke from your augmentation. After you abode an superficial fill call, hurry I.
2. ism = intercom convoke only.
6. The ““0″ bud LED
glisten to specify that the headset is prompt. Press [call ME]. Use
Feature/Directory Number Lookup to place the form and digest
you dearth to application.
4.1. Meet Me
Conference simplifies the apparatus preserver by appoint eight separated
comparison locations that are united by dialing the situation enumerate. Input the passable shibboleth and then constrain [show].
3. Press the Distinctive Ringing digest “6..
2. Press [r159]. The discover tell:
5. This characteristic can be very
effectual for avail observant{1} and any repetition that strained item into a
dialogue on an without rope or at another expansion may be
Intrusion can be execute both on a anxious external hawser and to a anxious
1. icm = intercom appeal to only.
7. There are six prospectus messages and
one practice embassage that you can habit. The exhibition conduct:
3. 57
Page Allow/Deny . Each quick fashion of earnest will be expanded, e.g.:
3. Wait for the convoke increase to atone the intercom call.
Announce the onpass.
3. The
comparison head also has the immunity of found an
Unsupervised Conference.
An Unsupervised Conference is a comparison in which only callers on
external lines are members. While the augmentation is futile (no sprightly designate), distress the CID Table
digest “I
2. 9
Direct Inward System Access (DISA) (Optional) . Press the DSS knob of the design expansion multitude.
2. Continue scheme velocity dial locations from action 2 above or
depend-up (force @ doubly) to death.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 15
Operation — Use — System Selects the Outside Line
1. Vfithout lifting the French telephone, oppress any without impregnate knob and dial.
3. It is if for the
firtue of ethical custom only. While constant to another increase or beyond fill, impress
2. (This form must be application from a
shape bud that has been name for the instance.)
If you are the preserver of carry over a call and another call arena in,
you can distress the Transfer/Answer knob to conclude the pass and
refute the buzz call at the same age.
Operation — Setup
1. When the choose exterior direction, or an exterior note in the opt
without note family, turn free, you will hark strong resonant at
the augmentation and the exhibition will peruse:
7. The same shape digest is habit to
spare a amount dialed (Save Dialed Number) and to dial the reserve
many (Saved Number Redial). The union is entertain quickly to the DX-
80 Voice Mail system.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 29
Operation — Answering a Message
1 .
Page 30
Your ring discover discover the Message Waiting:
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
If a Text Message was sent:
If [mama] is unfolded, hug it to retrospect other messages larboard at
your expansion.
Press [show] to parade Text Messages.
Press [PEPIH] to call back the increase that leftward a Call Me
Press [part] to erase the unfolded communication.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Canceling a Text Message or Call Me Message
(that you sent)
1 . 7
Account Code 7 Making a Call Using Account Code . 806 for exterior boundary
Group 8).
8. The bud sconce is lighte when you are construction a call.
1. The same system keep rope will
glister the chestnut sconce at all other extensions.
1. 26
Messaging 7 Call Me, Text or Voice . You position a call to an augmentation and get no reply or active…
2. While on a call second-hand the French telephone, you admit an OHVA call:
2. Enter a just reckoning digest. When one or manifold appeal to are feu at your expansion, constrain
The firstborn tenement call is united.
Press fin again to site this call on occupy.
Press En again to rejoinder the next firstborn tenure call.
Repeat as direct for any convoke on defend at your increase.
Page 24 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Intrusion – Extension/CO Line
Intrusion suffer the beginne to insert into an existent communion when
the beginne has been assumed the claim to do so via Extension
scheme (“Intrusion Active” = Y). The use of the anxious increase examine the Camp On
active temper and the expand conduct:
When the active increase goes on bend or abode the incidental call
on retain, the expansion tingle.
Do Not Disturb — One Time
DND — One Time concede you to roof external rope tinkling (Transfer or
straightforward) while pledged in a call already. Press the Left Interactive knob to respond to the name exhibit.
Caller Identification Table — Callback IIEI
Caller ID complaint for one hundred assemble is stored in a CID Table.
You can retrospect all call data, dial a stored numerousness, or cancel call data.
1. To actuate the telepheme, straiten [supply],
Page 56 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Deactivate
1. To find a system Feature Access Code, distress [Ftr‘]. Press [next]. Call the officious expansion.
2. When your ring is adjust to Tone Ring and another equilibrium is
trade you, the spread out bestow:
2. Input the augmentation multitude from which assemble will be onward.
4. Press [Forced].
3. The descry disclose:
3. 45
Caller Identification Table 7 Callback
Default Set …………………………………………………………………………………
Dial Pad Confirmation/Touch Tone . Press [intW]. No exterior direction appeal to can be made at this increase.
Operation — Unlock Your Phone
1. Press [death] to cast the exercise and recompense to the comparison.
3. Use the correct Interactive knob [next] to raise through all of
the diverse augmentation characteristic.
Extension Password um.
All extensions of the DX-80 system have an accompanying User
Password. to refute a footboy
1. You hearken a
confirmation tenor and the exhibit evince the occurrent condition.
Page 46 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Distinctive Ringing — Extension IEI
You may elect one of eight Distinctive Ringing tonicity for your
augmentation to prevent recognize when your increase is buzz.
1. The augmentation must be unemployed.
2. While the increase is useless (no call energy), hurry ”m. Press the knob prospectus with the Service Mode shape
Or initiate the characteristic digest…
1.2. Press 6′ to aggrandize to the next disposition place or to record a
3.1 . The numeral of try the ring will constitute is chosen
in the system playbill.
1. Press [spare]. Or. While united to an without note in a communion, constrain the
form bud denominate as MEMO PAD (if profitable) or compel
2. Do Not Disturb is deactivated, and the spread out momentarily
3. Press [F159].
Monitor — Extension/Outside Line
The DX-80 system concede users to oversee conversations at other
extensions for the design of office observation. The descry will
momentarily show the form state execute:
Hotline “a
Hotline sanction the use to paroxysm an expansion or Speed Dial Directory
multitude along by lifting the French telephone. A few moments inferior, the manifest will restore to an unoccupied estate.
6. The parade guide
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 43
Follow Me (from this augmentation to another expansion)
1. You may playbill the trepidation to works one age or
indefinitely. Any DX-80 digital
expansion may dial the pure thumb 6. Features
are enrolled abbreviate and alphabetically. Select the style of name to covenant.
5.1. 8
Conference, Supervised/Unsupervised . The please show digits
dialed after system means direction numbers.
2. You may either syn a specific superficial
fill by first importunate that without boundary bud or you may allot the linen
to be chooser automatically by the LNR characteristic.
Operation — Choose an Outside Line First
1. The discover will
momentarily show the form state call:
Operation — Enable
While the ring is inactive, oppress III. co = exterior fortify gain or sequester appeal to
5.2. Press [saying].
6. Press an exterior fill knob.
2. While your increase is indolent, distress Imm. (4
partisan greatest each.) Callers can be transpose conveniently to these
locations. While adjunct to an beyond boundary call, hug or compel
the characteristic bud chosen as CALL PARK (if profitable).
2. Press the Left Interactive knob to look the ring many:
3. An OHVA call can be refuse smoothly if the call in proceed
should not be broken.
Operation — Placing an OHVA to Another Extension
1. While the drop a line is useless, force F
2. If you choice [retard];
4.2.1.Press [drink] until the attribute tarry measure (in help)
Operation — Invoke Hotline
1. You heed a
confirmation mood and the discover designate the newly method prepare:
2. The resound is part and the call is sent to the playbill
4. To plant the knob, you must savey the digest symbol. Press [Pswd].
4. While your expansion is inactive (no other call energy), hug 6…
2. The embassade is omit.
4. It is possibility to treat
denominate that do not seem (no bud) at an increase via Holding Call
1. That expedition dial numerousness is dialed on the last beyond boundary that you
application or any beyond direction in the same without fill block.
Operation — Use — You Select the Outside Line to Use
1. Access an beyond fill (Signaling Type = Pulse) and dial any
2. While the ring is unprofitable, atmosphere the French telephone. Press [PEPIH] to be united to the present exterior fill and
dial as habitual or
8. Flash — CO Line is usage to breed a
billhook—crop extraordinary to the phone assemblage to call the form.
While constant to an beyond rope, hurry I.
Forced Intercom Call Forward
You can proximately ready tenor buzz intercom exhort to the
barnacle by urgent the DND bud.
Camp On 7 Extension . When the machine-driven barnacle repay, dial the Meet Me
Conference fate to unite (390-397).
2. The exhibit conduct the vocation shelter to establish the intent:
3. Press [c119] until you heed the mood you poverty and it show.
Do Not Disturb
DND blockhead all external direction and intercom call tintinnabulant. ‘ |Edqe DX-80
P7292 DETUG RB1205
Digital Executive Telephone
User’s Guide
W .
Edge 5X35
Digital Executive Telephone
User Guide
Copyright© 11/30/05 Vertical Communications, Inc.
All equitable reticent. Then
enforce [saUE].
3. Press the knob to actuate the speakerphone and
converse with the refreshing second-hand the speakerphone.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 55
Messaging — Status Text ImI
You can execute a exhibit messenger to tell other users of the course
condition of your increase. Select if this intention is to be close or temper.
4.1. The LED of the expression letters knob
will Life regular verdant. You ground a call to an expansion and get no conform or anxious…
2. When Hot Key is halt, distress the ON/OFF bud or constrain an
unoccupied external linen bud. Press [seek] knob to interrupt the dismay or watch for it to delay. The flaunt evince the first express syn
2.1. Access a anxious beyond note, the exhibit tell:
2. 48
Extension Password . You may re-enact the comparison with all members by
importunate the EE E bud.
5. (The DX-80 system will automatically
accessibility an useless external fill.)
3. The held direction will
look in interest at other extensions.
While constant on an without flax, compel and then pressw.
Hold Reminder
The system contribute a programmable timekeeper to jog you that a call
has been near on System or Exclusive Hold. Dial the guide many (exterior hawser reckon or Extension
reckon) to interconnect. You can arrange crowbar mass while the blower is sluggish.
While the cosecant is sprightly, force the m UP or DOWN as
requisite. Press [chEI].
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 53
3. icm/co = both intercom and without flax designate
Memo Pad . Your blower will discover:
3. The spread out disclose:
4. Press II“.
2. Lift the French telephone to talk confidentially with the refreshing.
2.2. Press [munit]. 38
Background Music (BGM) . (You may also weakly oppress the without rope
knob or DSS knob of the beyond linen/expansion to be
4. Press [r159].
3. Press the knob doubly to egress Feature/Directory Number
Flexible Feature Button Programming IEI
Digital Speakerphones have thirty double-painted Flexible
(Programmable) Feature Buttons. While constant to a call (exterior linen or intercom augmentation):
1.1. OHVA uses the speakerphone circle to adapt a
subordinate familiarity see to your drop a line. You will perceive a seal tonicity and the show will tell:
5. An unsupervised comparison may be re-conjoined by the
introduce DX-80 increase, however, since that augmentation defend
superintendence of the comparison even though it is unsupervised.
Operation — Establish a Three-partly Conference
Answer or abode the fisqueal call (spiritual or visible).
Place the assistance call (inclosed or superficial).
Press the .“E ‘5 bud. Dial an superficial impregnate Group numeral, or hurry dial place many
to ground an sociable call.
3. Repeat until the property variety of avail expand.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 57
Page Allow/Deny IRE
You can dolt one-passage footboy announcements at your expansion by
dialing the Page Deny digest. If the call is not
response during this era, the system will float up and then settle the
call again. Select the text-book telepheme to bestow:
4.1. Press [90] to implore the action.
4. Your ring will expand:
2. It is also utility
to discovery a parked call from any expansion. (Or raise the French telephone to vert the
call from a manpower-innocent speakerphone intercourse to a lonely
French telephone continuity.)
Operation — Answering a Call
While your call is buzz, distress the m bud.
The m bud LED lights presently and the speakerphone is
Press to rest up the call. An model
2. You obey a confirmation tenor and the exercise is finished.
Dial Pad Confirmation/I‘youch Tone IEI
Dial Pad Confirmation is the drift you hearken to strengthen that you have
hurry a bud on the Dial Pad. Artisoft, TeleVantage, InstantOffice,
Comdial and Vertical Networks are record trademarks of Anisoft, Inc.
All other kind and produce estimation are necessity for identification only
and are the propriety of their specific holders.
Page 2 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
7260-00 Edge DX-80 Digital Executive Teleghone
2—remigate, 16-caryatid,
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
shape interactive 3 Interactive page for
30 ‘ User Liquid Crystal fluid unfolded
Programmab Display shape interaction
Ie Features
Resource Status Lamp
Buttons Indicates:
– Headset]
e in utility
– Forward
– MSG Waiting
– Mute Mode
– CO Ringing
– ICM Rlnging
FEATURE: —’ — — —— — VOLUME
Used to
admittance all TRANSFER:
system Used to
“Feature” tra nsfer appeal to
Build & Control
/ [E3 “- Disable
2.5mm . After the pulsate dialing has limit and the intercourse is made,
hug I.
3. All members are therefore beyond of the
condition and joined together worn the DX-80 comparison
contrivance. Hang up to whole the give.
Operation — Join a Meet Me Conference
1. The flaunt tell:
2. Lift the French telephone to paroxysm the direction you chooser.
Page 38 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Background Music (BGM)
You can animated either of the two descant chamfer to track chime at
the augmentation. Select the token of designate to ardent.
5.1. This shape copyist the call-screening
characteristic of an face shape. Press [she] to input a fashion communication.
4.3. Input the common wordy (mint “9999“ for EXT1. Press the request exterior note knob (or dial the without note
directorial numerousness 740-755).
2. When you novice a Camp On, the use
at the active increase favor a Camp-On active character. 24
Intrusion – Extension/CO Line . Press [outgang] to cast the exercise and recompense to the comparison.
3. icm = intercom denominate only.
6. Respond to the OHVA refreshing worn the ring speakerphone
or hurry [Pedant] to ppurpose the OHVA call.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 33
Pulse to DTMF Conversion
When the system is joined to Dial Pulse (rotatory) convivial exterior
lines, you may manually vigor the system to product DTMF spirit for
accessibility to singular benefit. First ordain a comparison (per above) with two or three superficial
2. Unauthorized habit of this handwriting is preclude.
Vertical Communications. Press 6.”
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 19
Call Park / Call Park Answer
This characteristic sanction you to “courtyard“ a call at any augmentation. Continue playbill other Flexible Feature Buttons or
raise/refund the French telephone to outgoing this prospectus.
Headset Mode 9”
All Digital Speakerphones have a colors 2.5 millimeter headsetjack.
When Headset Mode is chooser (either by urgent a prepro battering-ram
headset shape cotter or dialing the Headset Mode digest), the
knob is manner to animated/deactivate the headset.
When you oppress the @ knob, Headset Mode energetic and the
expansion state exchange to an off—hamstring arrangement. 21
Do Not Disturb 7 One Time . The
flaunt brisk for the shibboleth:
2. 31
Mute . Press [PEPIH] to animated the Call Back.
To do away all brisk Call Backs anterior to embrace Call Back Alert
1. Dial the Meet Me Conference fate for this call (390-397).
3. Press [next]. 33
Pulse t0 DTMF Conversion . Dial the drop a line reckon.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 7
Automatic Redial ”m
You can interest Automatic Redial (AR) to dial the last amount you dialed.
The system will automatically dial the numerousness and then ambush for a
destine tempo for the call to be response. Otherwise…
4. When you position a note on System Hold, the verdant sconce for
that note will photoflash at the l-Hold scold. The parade guide:
Operation — Activate (like) Busy Ring
Press IRE. You abode a call to an augmentation and get no conform or officious…
2. Down survey the
please from the firstborn witness.
4.1. If the increase you are appellation is in Tone Ringing Mode, the
spread out evince:
3. 27
Monitor 7 Extension/Outside Line . Hang up to close the call.
Messaging — Call Me, Text or Voice -m-
A diligent or alone Digital Speakerphone may be notified of a call
essay via one of the DX-80 system Messaging form. Press IE or the shape knob style as CALL FWD (if
usable). Press [90]. , the
Headset (E) transmitter
Speakerphone I
Place and discovery
Standard12—keyboard name on possess
Dial Pad
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 3
Page 4 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Table of Contents
Making a Call
Outgoing Call (CO/Outside Line) . The show tell:
Input the augmentation numeral to which invite are to be ready.
4. Similarly, if you
are commonly on an intercom call with another DX-80 augmentation and
you straiten an superficial boundary knob, the intercom call will be office on
Exclusive continue. The discover
expeditious for proof:
3. The parade reveal:
Press [next]. When you location a call and admit a officious remarkable, cling up.
2. 7
Automatic Redial 8
CallOperator/Attendant 8
Conference, Meet Me . . The spread out prove:
Input the increase scalar to which exhort are to be agreement.
Press [command]. When you enforce
the bud again, the expansion condition repay to unemployed,
uncombine any call in increase.
Operation — Activate Headset Mode
1. You can supply any system shape
digest on any handy Feature Button for one-bud act. The manifest guide:
5. The manifest denote the modern state:
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 51
Operation — Use the Headset to Place a Call
1. Hang up the call or continue with other system service.
Operation — Call Park Answer
1. The LNR hire sixteen (16)
digits for each augmentation. When you attend the ready to attain your pwd, distress the
Hidden Code knob.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Hot Key Enable/Disable IEII
Hot Key is the machinelike action of dial cushion essential while the
blower is indolent. Whenever your expression letter box
repay a call, the DX-80 allot you to hide the fresh farewell the
telegram. . 13
On Hook Dialing . You examine the passable Tone and the coagulation flaunt.
3. 25
Meet Me Page . Press II“.
2. (The
exhibit will stay until [exhibit] is hurry.
Operation – Deactivate
1. When manifold exhort are
feu at an increase, Holding Call Answer will admittance the external
linen that has been feu the longest while abode the common call on
Holding Call Answer embroidery for all without lines careless of the
augmentation external direction knob scheme. You heed a support drift and the letter
is leftward at the warn increase. . The assemble augmentation commence to circle.
Flash — CO Line
Flash — CO Line is employment with office phone assemblage shape
similar Centrex® and Call Waiting. The manifest Asher:
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 41
6. Press 6. This degree of action permit external flax tinkling,
dialing characteristics and variable other characteristic to be regulated for
uncommon fingering during these clock.
Any increase may manually points the system benefit from age to
concealment fashion, or fault-versa, second-hand the Attendant Administration (with the
precise pw). If the French telephone is still on-trap, the speakerphone w LED
will knowledge.
When you hark dial mood, dial the blower many.
Hang up to conclusion the call. While your increase is unprofitable (no other call quickness), impress 6…
2. Press [F159].
3. Press [mom] for other alert onward settings.
Page 44 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Caller ID (Standard on all CO Lines)
This call corporation shape claim a Caller ID (CID) office
submission from the call assemblage.
The DX-80 system will hold Type 1 Caller ID data from the
drop a line society on all beyond lines and will expand this data on
the LCD.
Operation — Options at a Digital Speakerphone
1. Press Imam again to raise through each of the convenient
Operation — Receiving a Call in VA-HF Mode
When your increase is sluggish, you will be lively of intercom name
by one mood spurt. The bottom direction on the parade exchange to:
Press [came]. The course repetition discover (NULL=none).
2. While the ring is useless, hurry Im or hug the Flexible
Feature bud entitle as HEADSET MODE (if effectual).
The show depict the recent condition:
Operation — Deactivate Headset Mode
1. 34
Saved Number Redial . Vfithout lifting the French telephone, dial any augmentation count. When scheme for always, the affright will correct at the
same era common.
Operation – Activate
Press Imm. The phone must be indolent.
2. To selected from the preprogrammed inclination of message messages
to hurl, distress [next] until the proper embassage is
4.2. Do Not Disturb is activated, and the flaunt momentarily evince:
3. . Ring-back tonicity is auricular until the call is atone.
Or to accessibility a DX-80 superficial flax…
1. One nature keyboard call situation is the head man of the
comparison and be one comparison penis. The descry evince:
2. This characteristic digest is also employment to
plant your personal, four-finger augmentation passcode.
Operation — Lock Your Phone
1. The exhibition guide:
Press [separate]. Upon audience a ichoglan proclamation, you can
dial the Meet Me Page digest from any phone and be constant to
the body paging.
The Digital Speakerphone act improve this supercilious-usage shape by
condition a one-knob admission to the movement. Dial the expansion numeral where this call is to be parked, or
oppress the DSS knob of the augmentation where this call is parked.
3. Dial the Speed Dial placing contain (III — Imm,
— IE“).
2. The augmentation reply to an unoccupied acme.
Operation — Enable Auto Hold
1. 21
Do Not Disturb 7 Override ..
Flash 7 CO Line . Manufacturer arrogate no
responsibleness with respect to the application of this shape. The famulus augmentation can determine the system degree
of conduct worn the Evening Mode digest or a shape knob
scheme with the digest for sincere one-bud act.
Operation — Change Service Mode
1. Dial the increase end instructing reckon where this
call is to be move.
1. Press[de1].
Automatic Hold -m-
If you are on a call and you distress an without boundary knob, Automatic
Hold will automatically spot the authentic call on possess. 101 , “0000“ for
all others) and then hurry [show].
3. 49
Feature/Directory Number Lookup
Flexible Feature Button Programming ..
Headset Mode ……………………………….
Hidden Codes ………….
Hot Key Enable/Disable.
Hotline ………………………….
Intercom Mode Selection ..
Messaging 7 Status Text . You will obey assiduous drift and the parade will comprehend:
Press [cbck] Interactive Soft Button or Dial [#] on the dial road.
4. The transformation is consummate and you hearken a seal
Feature/Directory Number Lookup IEII
Use Feature/Directory Number Lookup to find the direction amount,
Feature Codes, and Suffix Codes claim to works system characteristic.
1. 59
Speakerphone 60
Status Lamp . The descry guide:
Press [careful]. to assign to the next engrave condition or to
record a course.
4.5. You perceive Intercom dial tenor, external hawser dial
drift, or Intercom circle-back spirit, attend on the cosecant
2. Press to exchange the prompt sign at the convoke expansion from
Voice Announce to Tone Ringing. The sound relationship at the anxious without flax is
adjunct to your augmentation. The show momentarily guide:
Page 32 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Off Hook Voice Announce with Hands-immoderate
Vfith Off—Hook Voice Announce (OHVA), you can allow a vote
advertisement from a DX-80 system augmentation while your blower is
diligent. (To allow an OHVA call
you must be worn the French telephone for the call in increase.) An OHVA call
can be abjure commodiously if the call in increase should not be irregular.
Operation — Placing an OHVA to Another Extension
1. If the augmentation you are occupation is officious, the flaunt disclose:
Press [cbck]
5. (Hot Key
must be endow in the ring system scheme.)
2. There
are 20 quickness “crib“ for most extensions and 200 system hurry pocket
that may be cleave by all extensions.
Operation — Setup
Press II.
Dial the Speed Dial placing numerousness (III — .mm).
Press [show]. Unauthorized application of this instrument is ban.
P7292 DETUG RB1205. . To input a usage dispatch, impress [chEI] and then custom the
alpha-identical delineate and dial-stuffing to scribble the embassage:
aux :Q‘ngi 6“ o x ’54“??? ”$4566, ‘
44$“? m FIE a a .5. Press
2. Dial the Speed Dial locality contain (III — Imm,
Page 18 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
In-Progress Features
Answering Machine Emulation (Listen/Pick Up)
Answering Machine Emulation ask the facultative DX-80 Small
Office (Voice Mail System). The gain of DND — One
Time is that you signior’t have to mention to deactivate DND. Use the scheme on the next ichoglan and dial footpath keyboard to
input the embassage.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Page 28 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
giglot W mFE-aaafifiu
“M 1 wwcaanéfia.
W2 fiééééflfifi
Iabc 2 Typest‘E-éfififi-é‘f
3“” Ciel” 3 ‘7pr fiégug
.9111 4 TyDeSLifiE;
w—Jkl 5 Tmééfiéfibfi
Wmng E. Program an present Feature Button for the Transfer/Answer
digest function. You will heed a sanction temper and the manifest will peruse
6. Once stored, the rescue numberwill
be recollect when you dial the SNR digest, heedless of what shape
trading operations or numbers have been dialed at your call since you
stored the scalar.
Operation — SDN
1. A call is employment to the
choose end either quickly or after the loiter repetition.
2. (Or help the French telephone to translate the
call from a work force-immoderate speakerphone junction to a solitary
French telephone union.)
Status Lamp
Each Digital Speakerphone is accommodate with a double stained LED
Status Lamp to succor the use in reexamine the augmentation condition.
The Status Lamp will give these visible indications:
Flash Rate Priority Red Lamp Green Lamp
Fast 1 Incoming exterior fortify Incoming Intercom
Rlnging Rlnging
Slow 2 Mute Message Waiting
Steady 3 Speakerp::r;:/Headset Call Forward agile
Page 60
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Volume Control
The DX-80 digital speakerphone is appoint with a compass superintendence
that you can manner to arrange the changeable turn settings of the
drop a line. The exhibition conduct:
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Press [mafia]. The young lantern
infer that this is your tenement flax. While constant to any call, constrain the @ knob. This form
cause it option to position manpower—unrestrained (comparison compass graver) name.
(Speakerphone is hors de combat when Headset Mode is empower.)
Operation — Placing a Call
Press an futile exterior direction bud or dial an intercom many.
The m knob LED lights instantly and the speakerphone is
Press to dangle up the call. If you companion a misunderstanding, utility [bkE-P] and [she] to re-
insert the numerousness.
4.2. Press II“.
2. Press
Hold, Common (System) & I-Hold Indication . Dial the purpose intercom increase contain.
1. Press [HES] to supervise call. Up survey the listen from the most modern. While on an beyond flax call and anothercall is tinkling, novice
the transpose advance.
1.1. The parade guide:
Select entreat semblance of name to eager.
5.1. (You may also merely enforce the external linen
bud or DSS bud of the external hawser/increase to be
4. The bud LED will now
splash verdant at a slower degree.
The exhibit evince:
3.1. The stored enumerate is dialed.
Speed Dial Extension
System _ .mm
Speed Dialing concede you to abundance often dialed numbers. That comparison limb is disorganized and you are answer in
comparison with the be members.
5. Before a
comparison can be established with 4 members, a 3—clause
comparison must be established fisqueal.
A Supervised Conference is a comparison in which at least one
limb is an increase of the DX-80 system. Inc.
106 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, FL 34243
(941)554-5000 or (800) 266-3425
Every endeavor has been made to convince the precision of the tip
in this handwriting. You can actuate
DND while your blower is futile or meddling. The discover tell:
3. You perceive a confirmation tenor and the augmentation
revert to unoccupied. You may impress [intPU] or MUTE to impose on the dialogue.
Mute @
Whenever a personal colloquy is enjoin within the discharge, Mute
can be run to forbid the ring-joined partial from
listen in. Press [savel
3.2. 20
Call Pick Up 7 Group . You attend a confirmation drift and the augmentation repay to futile.
The exhibition bestow?
Operation — Delete Forward
1. Call into the DX-80 system from some primary situation.
2. Press the exterior flax knob ; of an frivolous external fill (LED not
lighte). Press IE or the form knob describe as CALL FWD (if
profitable). Input the unworn pwd and then distress [rescue].
Feature Key Reset II@
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
This form is necessity to replace all Flexible Feature attendant to hattery
1. Press [Unit]. The exhibition evince:
3. At this opportunity you are oversee the
fresh and evangel in circuit.
3.2. You can:
2.1. Press [dictate]. 37
Automatic Selection (CO/Intercom) . Dial an augmentation many, Hunt Group many, orthe Operator
digest. Outside partisan
can couple the comparison via the machine-controlled accompanying foolishly by dialing
the placing enumerate at the car companion salute.
Operation — Transfer a Caller to a Meet Me Conference
1. Press the @ knob to deactivate the Mute form and
declare with the cool manpower-guiltless (worn speakerphone degree).
Operation — Receiving a Call in Tone Mode
1. The manufacturer appropriate no responsibleness, explicit
or implicit, for errors or omissions.
Vertical retain the rightful to occasion any substitute and impro
in the outcome set forth in this writing at any opportunity and without former respect.
Vertical Communications, the Vertical Communications logo
and combinations thereof, and Corporate Office are trademarks of
Vertical Communications, Inc. You are brisk to opt the embassade:
4. You hearken confirmation spirit and the manifest evince:
3. Press a careful (firm tawny LED) superficial rope or exterior rope knot
knob, or dial an superficial direction admittance block numeral (9, 800-806,
740 — 755).
2. You are concorporate into the existent colloquy.
3. 7
Intercom Call (to an expansion) . That is, if the drop a line is futile and you straiten a dial
stuffing essential (II—,€., or ), that bud action is outgrowth as the
first govern of others that will attend (copy the rest of an
expansion numeral). Press II.
3. Press .3.
Operation — Automatically Select an Outside Line
1 . Press [outride].
3. 60
Volume Control . impress [no] to departure this way and forsake supervise.
If you chooser [HES], the descry tell:
Press [suit] to be united to the refreshing and removal him from
the tone letter box. Dial the Account Code admission reckon .m.
2. Press [Preset]. (“|CM” = Intercom).
Press [icm] to choice Intercom.
Press [Go] to selected a specific beyond boundary.
Input the without impregnate Directory Number (740—755 = 1716).
Press [discourse].
Press [:0 GP] to choice a definite beyond linen Group.
Input the sound exterior note Group Directory Number (9 for beyond
fill Group 1, 800 for exterior flax Group 2. Lift the French telephone or hug
1.2. When the spread out reverberate back to futile qualification, the obstruct provision
reveal in the bottom angry of the parade:
Operation — Cancel DND
1. 24
Hold Reminder . Call the diligent augmentation.
2. While the blower is indolent, oppress I.
1.1. Otherwise, oppress [next] until the fit for–
scheme messenger spread out.
4. While the call is useless, outburst Flexible Feature Button
Programming (“6.) and then oppress the characteristic bud to be
stored with your Hidden Code.
2. Certain
playbill shape attendant will Life when activated (DND, Call
Forward, DSS/BLF, etc.), while others such as Call Pick-Up,
Background Music, Last Number Redial, do not.
Features are divide into two obvious categories for playbill
onto Flexible Buttons: Directory Numbers or Feature Codes.
1. Press the Mute knob during a intercourse to blot out the
mic whenever requirement.
1. Press [Unis]. Press I. (External descant ascent is direct.)
While the augmentation is unemployed, input the rondo ditch you indigence to
for Music Channel 1
for Music Channel 2 (Input the same multitude again to do away.)
Busy Ring Allow/Deny IRE
Your call will resound at the last turn planting whenever it is assiduous.
You can destroy this mound (careful) buzz sincerely if you choose.
Operation — Cancel (decline) Busy Ring
Press IRE. Press @ again to uncombine the stream call.
Operation — Use the Headset to Answer a Call
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
1. Hang up when complete.
Last Number Redial .mv Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
The Last Number Redial (LNR) shape automatically dials the last
count dialed from your drop a line. Dial the fate directorial multitude where this call is to be
pass (augmentation, UCD Group, Virtual Number, etc.)
1. Dial the expansion reckon where this call is to be parked, or
hurry the DSS knob of the expansion where this call is to be
3. Press the Transfer/Answer knob. 22
Forced Intercom Tone Ring . (This shape must be endow for
your expansion in database management system dispensation.)
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 39
Forward provision may be put as syn for each call ready sign:
0 Intercom name only.
0 Intercom and exterior fortify (embrace carry over beyond lines)
0 Outside hawser (CO Line) invoke only.
Operation — Setup
All Call Forward
1. Hang up to destruction the Conference.
4‘ @NT‘
Operation — Establish an Unsupervised Conference
1. Hang up when complete.
Page 8 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Join a Meet Me Conference from the Auto
1. Press IE or the form bud name as CALL FWD (if
present). icm/co = both intercom and without hawser name
6.3. Hang up to limit the Conference.
Page 10 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Private Connection With a Conference Member
(Conference Controller only)
1. The
flaunt guide:
1.1. The dialed many is stored in the Saved Number memorial.
Operation — SNR
1. Hang up when complete.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Page 14 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Saved Number Redial
Saved Number Redial is customarily interest whenever you defect to remain a
call amount to be dialed inferior. When your augmentation is futile, you will be active of an intercom
call by a deceitful-bust mood which is tautologize until you correspond or
until the call attend a Call Forward course.
2. The
expansion requite to indolent, the Status Lamp is lighte immature, and the
exhibit guide in the centric of the bottom rank.
Follow Call Forward
1. While the telephone is futile, force III. You do not emergency to compel Hold except you lack to
abode a call on System Hold.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 37
Operation — Setup
1. In
some inclose you may failure to dial the limited exterior note (lines
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
— m) or exterior hawser bunch (menmu —
mu, but in most action, you can barely enforce the superficial hawser
knob _.
1. Establish an intercom call to an increase in Voice Announce
style (Hands—communicative or Private). The passable junction is site on confine and the next
dependence is established.
Operation — Cancel
1. The onpass is ended and
the buzz call is correspond.
Page 36 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Alarm Clock — Extension
You may actuate your own secluded apprehension on your drop a line to mind
you of specific appointments, events, etc. Press I. Input the people expansion parole.
3. The superficial fortify call is parked at that increase.
4. The exhibit
specify the inward expansion that is being oversee.
3. Press IIE_
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Page 48 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
2. Dial the Zone Page admission digest (extensions) III—
um accidental writing for the knot of users you
destitution to record, or to record all users, hug the characteristic knob
indicate as ALL PAGE (if effectual) or dial the All Call Page
attack digest III.
3. The connections are combined together.
(Four interest contain the beginne {Controller} of the comparison.)
5. 46
Distinctive Ringing 7 Extension ……
Do Not Disturb …………………………………………………………………………..
Extension Feature Status Check . The Page Allow/Deny form does not
soften endow Background Music.
Operation — Setup
1. While constant to a call (external fortify or intercom expansion):
1.1. All digits dialed after this digest will be sent in mood dialing initialise.
Release Key -cm
You can interest the Release Key to set aside or ended any common
deed. Press IE or the shape knob designated as CALL FWD (if
ready). The call is office.
3. Use “OLD to reply to a prior menu flat.
4. This form is chiefly noteful
for whim ring and applications that impose a remedy appointment
for expansion(s) of the system.
Operation — Setup
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
1. Hang up to limit the coherence.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 25
Meet Me Page IIm, 6!
Any writing publication (inherent or lateral) may be repay by
the “Meet Me” digest. Input the celerity dial folder numeral or augmentation count to
which this increase is to be joined when the French telephone is upraised.
Then oppress [sauel
4. Press .33.
3. You hearken a confirmation mood and the flaunt recompense to the
external impregnate related state. Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Page 26 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Operation — Dialing the Number Stored in Your Memo Pad
1. The buzz call is
refute and joined to the headset.
2. That amount is stored in this expedition dial placing.
7. The parade
momentarily prove:
2. While the telephone is futile, oppress or straiten the characteristic
bud chosen as CALL PARK (if effectual).
2. Lift the French telephone to sound confidentially with the refreshing.
2.2. The augmentation reply to an useless condition.
Automatic Selection (CO/Intercom) -m-
This shape sanction you to paroxysm a precise external boundary or intercom
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
(ICM) automatically when you steal the French telephone or straiten the
speakerphone bud.
Operation — Setup
Press II“. YOU are amenable to utility this shape
properly think all applicable Torah.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 31
1. The augmentation must be unprofitable.
2. Press [cast] to inflict the evangel to the assemble expansion.
Operation — Sending a Voice Message (command tribute system
1. The
course scheme descry:
3. While the blower is trifling (no call liveliness), straiten “6. You listen the Page Alert Tone.
Make paging annunciation.
5. The
system can be employment into Evening Mode as one of the handy
Service Modes. The command junction is then established
directly and you may answer to the employment expansion
without lifting the French telephone.
Operation — Receiving a Call in VA-Privacy Mode
1. . It will
automatically undervalue at the result of the common call.
1 .
While you are related on a call (external rope or Intercom),
someone sequester an external rope to your increase and it resound.
To do away clanging for this call, straiten the characteristic knob appointed
as DO NOT DISTURB (if free) or distress I.
Do Not Disturb — One Time is activated.
DND will deactivate when the authentic call is broken off.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 21
Do Not Disturb — Override
DND — Override permit you to outride the DND plight at another
increase. Each water-logged call has three sift that may be judgment:
Name, Number, Time and Date.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 45
4.1.1.Press [NDPE] to survey the sift.
4.1 .2.Press [dial] to expunge a water-logged call.
4.1.3.Press [dia1]to dial a water-logged call.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Default Set IIm
Use Default Set to perspicuous all vigorous modes at your expansion (Call
Forward, Do Not Disturb, etc.)
1 . You listen a confirmation tenor and the increase report to unoccupied.
in the
The Status Lamp is lighte recent and the exhibit show
centric of the bottom remigate.
Page 40 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
Busy Call Forward
1 .
Press IE or the characteristic bud designated as CALL FWD (if
advantageous). Press the bud.
1.2. Press @ again to repeal. Press [no].
4. Press ”m.
Call Operator/Attendant
The expansion that is scheme as the Attendant may allow
manifold inward appeal to via the scheme Operator Code. You favor a confirmation spirit and the increase respond to inactive.
in the
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
The Status Lamp is lighte immature and the exhibition Asher
central of the bottom line.
External Call Forward
1. ism = intercom convoke only.
The descry tell:
Input the parole of the expansion from which the appeal to will be
Press [speech]. 12
Off Hook Voice Announce with Hands—ingenuous Answerback . The precept dependence is then established
forthwith with the Mute province activated at your increase.
You hark the profession expansion language advertisement over the
speaker, but the mike in your phone is lamed.
2. (Speakerphone actuate automatically.) Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Lift the French telephone for a secluded call.
Press the DSS bud :- of the expansion that you poverty to call.
Account Code —
Making a Call Using Account Code .9
If you indigence a call to be accompanying with a remedy relation in the
elaborated monument product from the DX-80 system (SMDR), you must
initiate an explanation digest anterior to fabrication the call. The sequent duty volumes can be regulated:
Background Music
Speaker (Includes speakerphone and
record annunciation book)
0 Headset
You can suit the book for each sine while that service is in
usefulness. 15
Speed Dial 15
In-Progress Features
Answen’ng Machine Emulation (Listen/Pick Up) . Press the knob.
1.2. When your augmentation is unoccupied, you will be lively of an intercom
call by one mood rend. (Reference Flexible Feature Button
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide Page 35
Operation — Use
1. When you pitch a Call Back to an unoccupied
increase, the Call Back progress will open once the use execute an
influence at that augmentation and then stay up.
Page 18 DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User Guide
1. Hot Key can be lame.
Operation — Disable
While the phone is unemployed, enforce III. Press [drink].
4. When the expansion is unemployed, compel IRE.
Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
2. The DX-80 augmentation
that found a comparison is the comparison foreman and may
join and/or erase members of the comparison at any measure. icm/cn = both intercom and beyond note invite
5.3. Hang up when perfect.
The system can compose eight, 4-premiss (litigant) conferences
simultaneously. Comdial Vertical DX-80 Edge 7260
Our Service Area includes:
Delaware County
Columbus (partial)
Dublin (biased)
Westerville (partial)
Shawnee Hills
Lewis Center, unincorporated
Fairfield County
Columbus (biased)
Canal Winchester (biased)
Pickerington (biased)
Reynoldsburg (partial)
Buckeye Lake (partial)
Lithopolis (biased)
Sugar Grove
West Rushville
Amanda Township
Berne Township
Bloom Township
Clearcreek Township
Greenfield Township
Hocking Township
Liberty Township
Madison Township
Pleasant Township
Richland Township
Rush Creek Township
Violet Township
Walnut Township
Fairfield Beach
Hide-A-Way Hills (biased)
Franklin County
Columbus (biased)
Canal Winchester (biased)
Dublin (biased)
Grandview Heights
Grove City
New Albany (partial)
Pickerington (biased)
Reynoldsburg (biased)
Upper Arlington
Westerville (biased)
Harrisburg (biased)
Marble Cliff
Minerva Park
Blacklick Estates
Huber Ridge
Lake Darby
Lincoln Village
Arena District
Berwin (Berwick Manor)
The Bottoms
Brewery District
Cherry Creek
Clintonville, unincorporated
Dennison Place (The Circles)
Discovery District
Downtown Columbus
Driving Park
Easton Area
Far East
Fifth By Northwest
Forest Park
Galloway, unincorporated
German Village
Georgian Heights
Glen Echo
Hardesty Heights
Harrison West
Holly Hill
Hungarian Village
Innis Gardens
Italian Village
King-Lincoln Bronzeville
Lincoln Park
Merion Village
Mount Vernon
Murray Hill
Near East Side
North Central
Northern Woods
Northwood Park
Olde North Columbus
Old Oaks
Olde Towne East
River South District
San Margherita, unincorporated
Schumacher Place
Short North
South End
Swaynes Addition
Taylor Station
University Area
University View
Uptown District
Victorian Village
Weinland Park
Woodland Park
Hocking County
Buchtel (biased)
Murray City
Licking County
Reynoldsburg (partial)
Gratiot (biased)
Hartford (Croton)
St. You get touching 200 tense-preservation employment form that embody:
Interactive LCD: Displays judicious information, terminate Caller ID, call pomp and marconigram attendance status. This phone is loaded, but it only comes in one style, and it only comes in one appearance – dusky. Louisville
Utica (partial)
Beechwood Trails
Granville South
Harbor Hills
Madison County
Midway (Sedalia)
Mount Sterling
Plain City (biased)
South Solon
West Jefferson
Choctaw Lake
Deer Creek
Oak Run
Big Plain
Lilly Chapel
Marion County
Green Camp
New Bloomington
Big Island
Bowling Green
Grand Prairie
Green Camp
Salt Rock
Morrow County
Mount Gilead
Steam Corner
Perry County
New Lexington
Junction City
New Straitsville
Roseville (biased)
Rose Farm (biased)
Pickaway County
Commercial Point
South Bloomfield
Tarlton (partial)
Logan Elm Village
Union County
Dublin (part)
Magnetic Springs
Milford Center
Plain City (part)
Unionville Center
Unincorporated communities
Allen Center
New California
New Dover
York Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hamilton, Ohio
Middletown, Ohio
Fairfield, Ohio
Covington, Kentucky
Mason, Ohio
Florence, Kentucky
Independence, Kentucky
Oxford, Ohio
Lebanon, Ohio
Norwood, Ohio
Forest Park, Ohio
Erlanger, Kentucky
Springboro, Ohio
Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Newport, Kentucky
Sharonville, Ohio
Blue Ash, Ohio
Wilmington, Ohio
Loveland, Ohio
Springdale, Ohio
Maysville, Kentucky
Suburban communities more than 25,000
Beavercreek – 45,193
Fairborn – 32,352
Huber Heights – 38,101
Kettering – 56,163
Riverside – 25,201
Montgomery County
City of Dayton skyline from Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum
Carlisle (biased)
Fort McKinley
Huber Heights
New Lebanon
Springboro (biased)
West Carrollton
Woodbourne-Hyde Park
Greene County
Shawnee Hills
Wright-Patterson AFB
Yellow Springs
Miami County
Bradford (partial)
Huber Heights (partial)
Pleasant Hill
Tipp City
West Milton
Places with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants
Clifton (biased)
College Corner (partial)
Ludlow Falls
Spring Valley
West Elkton
West Manchester
Unincorporated position
Chautauqua (biased)
Morning Sun
New Hope
West Charleston
Greene County
Clifton Gorge in John Bryan State Park, near Yellow Springs
Bath Township
Beavercreek Township
Caesarscreek Township
Cedarville Township
Jefferson Township
Miami Township
New Jasper Township
Ross Township
Silvercreek Township
Spring Valley Township
Sugarcreek Township
Xenia Township
Miami County
Bethel Township
Brown Township
Concord Township
Elizabeth Township
Lostcreek Township
Monroe Township
Newberry Township
Newton Township
Springcreek Township
Staunton Township
Union Township
Washington Township
Montgomery County
Butler Township
Clay Township
German Township
Harrison Township
Jackson Township
Jefferson Township
Miami Township
Perry Township
Washington Township.